The Change in My Teaching Career - Patrick Osadebey

I have taught for more than 15 years, and I believe I have mastered the skills required of an educator. Teaching sparked a passion in my heart during Primary 4. Watching my teacher, the late Mrs. Agusiobo, in her class was fascinating. She was not just a teacher par excellence but also a mother. Her dedication to guiding and advising us to be the best versions of ourselves inspired me to become a teacher, impacting lives in the classroom.

It was not an easy decision to make. My parents frowned at the idea of me becoming a teacher, considering it a financially nonviable career path. However, I stayed resolute in that dream, and I became a teacher.

However, my teaching career took a dramatic turn on the 2nd of August while working at Cedar Presidential College. We were invited by our director to a training session that would be ongoing after school. We were flustered at the idea of staying behind after school, but we had no option and stayed for the presentation, the Introduction of 1 Million Teachers by the facilitator, Mrs. Khadijah Abdulwahab. I was fascinated by the way she gave the presentation and all that she spoke about regarding what 1MT entails. After that day, our details were taken down, and we were onboarded for online learning.

Little did I know that this single act was going to begin the journey to transform my teaching career and awaken so many passions in me. I dived into the course, and by 21st February 2023, I was among one hundred and eighty-six (186) graduates to graduate as Black Belts (1st Dan), a great privilege and the first Black Belt to graduate in the school where I worked. After graduation, I inquired about the HP Mentor-A-Teacher (HP MAT3) Program, the next phase in the 1MT professional and personal development programs. After 6 months under Mrs. Dorcus Magoba's mentorship, learning via Zoom and WhatsApp, I was selected to join that cohort. Our program focused on a broad range of topics, from leadership to technological skills and gender dynamics. On 25th July 2023, I graduated. This marked the die-hard turning point and the unstoppable awakening of my zeal for professional and personal growth in my educational pursuit.

Today, after undergoing many intensive courses and programs from different certified bodies and collaborating with many great minds within the 1 Million Teachers community, I have not only improved my capacity but am now giving out to many what I have learned. As William Butler said, "Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." This has been my aspiration: to impact my family, my community, and the people around me. I have a lot to give from the vast knowledge that 1 Million Teachers has helped me acquire, and I pray each day to be a vessel and agent of change and transformation for educators to see the potentials lying dormant within them. If they push themselves, the world will see their worth. Many may say I am blowing my own trumpet, but I feel that the world needs to hear this: within us is a spark waiting to be lit, and once you allow that spark to burn, it will become a raging and unquenchable fire that ignites greatness in you.

At this point, I want to say a big thank you to Mrs. Khadijah Abdulwahab for pushing me while I was undertaking the courses in the 1MT module. At some point, I felt like giving up due to network issues work stress, and many other factors, but she kept me going, and for that, I am eternally grateful to her. I also want to deeply appreciate Mrs. Dorcus Magoba for recognizing my potential and urging me on with so much advice and mentorship teachings on the required HP MAT program and going even beyond to give me leeway to know various other aspects of life. She pushed the passionate educator in me out and truly gave me the torch that is lit in my life, ever burning bright. I also want to deeply appreciate Mrs. Fatima Mualima. Despite the distance, she remains like a second mother to me. With her inspiring and creative guidance, I accomplished many feats, like presenting at the 1 Million Teachers Weekly Blackbelt session for the first time on 16th November 2023. Ever since then, she has spurred me on in my writing of articles and also having to makepresentations time and time again at the weekly Blackbelt sessions and also at the Mastermind group. I remain forever grateful for meeting an amazing woman like you.

I also want to appreciate our ever-smiling and dashing Ms. Rizma Butt, the COO of 1 Million Teachers, for the way she was always quick to respond to my queries and also saw ways to motivate and guide me with her words and encouragements. Words alone can't begin to express my depth of appreciation for you, but only God will bless you for all you have done and done for me. I will not close this piece without sending my total and unpatrolled appreciation and gratitude to the person I call my Mentor and boss, Mr. Hakeem Subair, our able 1 Million Teacher CEO. He has not only taken me under his wings with his words of advice but also his ever-present acts of kindness and deep words of encouragement towards my personal and professional growth. Sir, you are truly an amazing and divine helper of destiny that has catapulted me and propelled me beyond levels of despondency, placing me onboard the realms of beauty and grace. I cherish each word, each emoji, each call, each like, and comment on whichever social media platform because they serve as a tonic to my desire and aspirations to make an impact in society. I promise you that I will do my best to uphold the privilege you have bestowed on me. Thank you, and God bless you, Sir.

For all that I haven’t mentioned here, I want you to know you will ever remain in my heart, not just as mere names but as stars that always brighten my heart and light up my path towards my development in life and all I do. I pray that all we do for the betterment of society at large and the educational sector will not go unnoticed and will yield abundant fruits now and always. Thank you and thank you for ever being there for me and for giving me hope and confidence when all seemed lost. I remain a changed and transformed educator today, all because I took a valiant step into the halls of 1 Million Teachers. Today, I have emerged refined and shaped for excellence and impact, and the world will soon come to know the name PRINCE PATRICK OSADEBEY as being synonymous with resilience and dedication. Thank you, 1 Million Teachers; thank you, HP; thank you, Queen’s University; thank you, EDVES; thank you to all the learning platforms, and also, thank you to my Lord and Saviour for keeping me alive to become what I am today.


The Uncommon Educator – Sunday Akinrelere